Buy cheap Black & Decker LM175 18-Inch 6.5 Amp Electric Mower ,Discount Black & Decker LM175 18-Inch 6.5 Amp Electric Mower and all design mowers lawn online shopping at buy cheap mowers

Description : Black & Decker LM175 18-Inch 6.5 Amp Electric Mower Push reel mowers are powered by you. They’re quiet, they don’t need cords or recharging, and they don’t pollute. But on large lawns, you might not want the workout you get when using a push reel mower. They also tend to be less effective on grass taller than two inches.Electric mowersneed to be plugged into an outlet to power them, which means you’re constrained by the location of power outlets, the length of your power cord, and any obstacles that may snag the cord. If you have a small yard but don’t want the forced exercise of using a push reel mower, an electric mower may be for you.Cordless mowers are powered by a rechargeable battery. You don’t have to deal with the hassles of keeping a cord plugged in, but battery life becomes a constraint. Depending on the battery capacity, the size of your yard, and the height of your grass, you may not be able to complete your mowing job on one charge.Gas mowersoffer the most power, which is best if you’ll be mowing tall, dense grass or if your yard is larger than 2,000 square feet. But you will have to keep gas and oil on hand as well as keep the engine serviced.